How it works?

Ready for streamlined personalized meal solutions? Here's what happens next:

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Step 1. Fill in the form

Leave your contact details so we can reach out and discuss how can we help. 

Step 2: Budget approval

Once we receive your contact info, we reach out to discuss your preferences, from allergies and the special diet you follow to a budget for a cook.
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Step 3: Cook selection

After our chat we'll search for the best cooks to prepare your meals. Each candidate undergoes a rigorous screening process, including reviewing their resume and testing their cooking proficiency skills and background check. We'll shortlist 1 - 2 top candidates (usually out of 10 - 15) for your approval.

Step 4: Scheduling and cook introduction

You have the flexibility to choose how you'd like to proceed:

- Option 1: Approve a date and time that's convenient for you to have the cook come to your home and prepare the meals.

- Option 2: Schedule a preliminary intro call with your chosen cook to get to know them better and agree on a date during the call.
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Step 5: Enjoy your meals

On the agreed-upon date, your chosen cook will arrive at your home and prepare all the dishes, transferring everything into containers to store the food and cleaning up afterward.